

Nokia Trailers app out now in the Ovi store…..and boy does its look pretty

| May 3, 2011 | 15 Replies

If you are a regular user of the Ovi store you will notice that trailers of new movies often appear there but downloading them is not that of a great experience. If you remember Nokia also made a big deal of Web TV when the Nokia N8 was first announced and promised new “channels” would appear well times have moved on and it seems Web TV is sort of a failure and new trailers haven’t appeared for a long time, with that in mind Nokia trailers slipped into the Ovi store a couple weeks ago very quietly as we have only just noticed it to be honest.

The always knowledgeable Rafe Blandford gives us a brief look at the Nokia Trailers app

At first glance you will notice the cool smooth transitions that were promised in Symbian 3 and indeed 4 as well as different UI elements, no doubt the direction Nokia would have taken if they had stayed with the Symbian/MeeGo/Qt stratergy. Yes this app written in Qt and is no doubt and indicator in how good Qt is when done the right way.

Download Link:

Nokia Trailer is compatible with all Symbian 3 devices and also for free.

via Allaboutsymbian

PS. A lot of people as well as me have experienced errors when attempting to download the app, it seems that the latest version of Qt is needed for it to work, I would appreciate if someone with the link could post it into the comments section. Thanks


Category: News, Nokia, OVI, Qt, Video

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Hey welcome and thank you for reading my post. Well I am a student based in the UK, and try to blog about Nokia as much as I can in my spare time. I am also on twitter where you can follow me @jwf90 or also the site @mynokiablog. You can also contact us with juicy tips or suggestions at tips(@)