

Video: Nokia US and Nokia E7 review – day to day – with @jebbrilliant, @markguim and @mikemacias

| May 4, 2011 | 0 Comments

Here’s a Nokia E7 day to day ‘review’ posted at NokiaUS’s youtube channel (). It features 3 US based “tech lovers” all of whom blog predominantly in one way or another about Nokia :p.

I think it’s cool for Nokia to come pick out these guys to put in front of the camera. They do a really great job of showing off what you can do with the device. Something along these lines is better than that probably much more expensive, mega vague E7 success is what you make it advert.

I like how Mark talks about the unibody aluminium design being hard to break, like he’s been trying to :p


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Category: Eseries, Nokia, Symbian, Video

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