

Nokia Open Innovation Research

| May 20, 2011 | 0 Comments

Nokia awarded University of Houston and several other universities to develop a novel gesture interface based, mixed reality social interaction game on mobile. It consists of two interactive components: a physical world component and a virtual world component.  This award comes with $30,000 research cash plus donation of 15 Nokia N900s. UH also  joins a list of Stanford, UC Berkeley, MIT, University of Southern California, etc to conduct this research.

In this project, through a close collaboration with the leading researchers at the Nokia Research Center at Palo Alto, Calif. Prof. Deng and his research team at the UH CGIM Lab will work on a gesture-based human computer interface and further use it to design a group-based social interaction game on Nokia Smartphones to validate the effectiveness and usability of the developed human computer interface.

Prof Deng, who is leading this project said “The outcome of this research may eventually benefit millions of smartphone users, of course, including students who have smartphones”.

Well, that’s pretty interesting and I’m willing to participate in this project at my university! will keep you posted at as this research progresses.

of course, what else but N900 could be used for any research! )) Though N9/N950 might sound even more interesting and exciting!


via Univ of Houston


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Category: Nokia

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I studied at the University of Houston and currently reside in Texas. I'm blogging here to express my opinions on Nokia and review apps, services, or devices as I get the chance. Feel free to ask me questions on Twitter @alan713.