

LiveTris- games on the go

| May 25, 2011 | 20 Replies

Well fresh off the back of Microsoft’s release of the Windows Phone developer tools Beta for Mango (which I’m toying with as we speak), developer Rudy Huyn has decided to create what I can only describe as an epic widget/live tile. Using the updated Windows Phone 7.1 live tile back-end, the new background agents (described in this post) and application deep-linking he’s managed to create a functioning tetris game widget in less than 24 hours. Tip of the hat to you sir.

Video below.

Source WPCentral.

Rudy Huyn’s Blog


Category: Nokia

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So you've read something I've written. yay!! As you already know, my name is Andre and I'm currently a student based in Atlanta. Much like Jay, I pretty much blog here in my free time. Follow me on twitter @andre1989 or contact me directly at Andre(at)mynokiablog(dot)com. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.