

Nokia India: iDoalotmore?

| May 27, 2011 | 33 Replies

While browsing the usual techsites during some time of doing nothing my interest was drawn by, well, a cheap shot by Nokia. Their departement in India started a new marketing campaign that’s called: iDoalotmore.

It is good to see Nokia advertising their features, there is no one that can deny the fact that Symbian has a lot more potential than Apple’s iOS and certainly has a lot more freedom to it. Yet, is it really necessary to take this kind of cheap shot Nokia?

Whether the statement is correct or not, (there are areas where Nokia would have to bow down to Apple) I can already see Cupertino’s legal team having a field day with this.

The campaign probably does get people thinking and most likely will be talked/written about as I am already doing here, but it doesn’t really gleam with originality nor does it seem they really thought about it. One thing is for sure though, that idea about more clear and to the point marketing is clear in this one.

via: Phone Arena


Category: Nokia

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