

Video: Super Girly, Super Pink Nokia N8 Pink – Sugababes “Freedom”

| May 31, 2011 | 0 Comments

I’ve received an email from WOM’s Katie about a video for the new Nokia N8 in Pink.

It’s VERY random. It’s very out there. It’s very girly. It’s very PINK.

The track in the video is called “Freedom” a brand new single from the Sugababes that has also just been released. To support the release they’ll be running a competition on their website to give away pink N8’s.

Interesting. Nice use of Sugababes (one of the most successful UK girl bands – though none of the original remain) for that extra girly association. Pink herself would have been cool but she’s not really a girly girl.

Yes, they are shooting pink laser lights from their chest. It’s all stop motion btw.

“Barbie” “Pink Everything”

Update: The making of is below. I didn’t see that as YouTube’s stupid HTML player doesn’t support captions



Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Video

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