

Video: Tiny Garden Life – by Nokia N8 (This is just a fraction optics and photographic capability at Nokia, says Elop)

| June 10, 2011 | 0 Comments


I was impressed by the Ants video, and now all over again I’m amazed at what the N8 can do with this new video from Tommi, aka Topolino70.

I have made a new Nokia N8 macro video about tiny life hiding at grass level and often going unnoticed.

It looks awesome. Again they look like photographs not something from a video.

The industry has accepted that Nokia is truly number 1 in imaging. What’s more amazing is that this is only a fraction of what Nokia can do in that department. Remember Elop’s Uplinq keynote?

Clearly Nokia has a long history of being able to do this, through the delivery of iconic hardware of all forms of iconic innovation.

  • Examples of this, e.g. in the area of optics. If you’ve seen the Nokia N8, which is not well known in the united states, but in other parts of the world it is well known as by far the best optics photogpraphy, HD video and HDMI capable device on the planet. It’s Amazing! And yet that’s just a fraction of the optics and photographic capability that we have available to us in our labs, that we could bring to market (WOW!)

“That’s just a fraction of the optics and photographic capability we have available to us in our labs, that we could bring to market.”

The N8 is already so amazing – and it is wonderful to know that they have so much more to bring in that department at Nokia to stay ahead of those that think they can catch up here.

This belongs in the arsenal of weapons Nokia must partner with their flagship. I think once they start bringing out head turning, innovative and class leading features, folks will start taking notice again. According to Elop and many past Nokians before he came, Nokia labs has so much innovative things that never make it out of the Market. It seems that Elop is determined to cut away the bureaucracy and indecision that leads to those future technologies just sitting on an engineers desk.

Next week there’s a cool little project N8 related. Can’t tell you much more other than it’s pretty cool. I wasn’t able to go due to other appointments, but Sergejs is there to cover it.



Category: N8 Successor, Nokia, Nseries, Video

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]