

Video: Nokia N9 hands on for the weekend – compilation number 4 :D

| June 25, 2011 | 0 Comments


These are possibly the last few Nokia N9 hands on from the launch event. It’s getting hard to weed out stolen hands on videos and possibly duplicates.

We’ve seen soo many N9 hands on. How many times has the N9 lagged for you? Negligible by my counts. (not knowing how to use n9 doesn’t count :p)

That’s amazing considering the excuses we gave the N8 demoes of being ‘pre-production’ (remember the painful lag/freeze/crash ON camera demoed by NOKIA staff?) watching it slowly getting better as each delay pushed it further and further back from April launch to end of October availability.

Check out other compilation of N9 hands on;

quality of the N9 screen is just BURSTING through the camera.

Galaxy on fire 2


  • Check out language change just by swiping on the keyboard
  • Camera settings reorganizing for both portrait and landscape
  • It’s just soo smooth. It doesn’t really matter if it’s single core – its optimized and smooth everywhere (and although that was the argument used for Symbian, it is NOT smooth and quick everywhere at stock hardware. We’ll have to see how N9 fares though over time with more demanding 3rd party apps)
  • Do love the multiple unlock methods. Ah, can you believe we thought that slide to unlock was so cool back then.

  • Camera UI again. Again sterling job on this. Much changed from Symbian camera UI, even my much preferred (though limited) Maemo version. It looks better, AND it’s more functional.
  • Gallery is fast and speedy
  • In phone picture editing (something enjoyed by Symbian users for a loong time. I’m getting tired of these silly inane youtube commenters pointing out things their iPhone did before MeeGo when well, Nokia phones did everything before iPhone was even on research labs – want to know wants coming as a new awesome improved feature in the iPhone? Look at those old Nokias. I don’t want to go into a who’s got what first as it’s all just a bit silly. But in the phone game, when putting iPhone vs Nokia and who put what, where first, well. This shouldn’t even be a point of argument.  There are more worthy things up for discussion. No I’m not just being anti-iPhone, I’d support them when need be, e.g. the thievery of Samsung Galaxy iPhone :p)

N9 screen versus SGS again. This post from yesterday might be worth checking. Video: Nokia N9′s AMOLED CBD VS Samsung’s Super AMOLED

They were right at GSM Arena, at extreme angles, it does look like the N9’s icons are painted on 😀 No wonder they love the N9 screen (and the N9 as a whole) so much.  See: nokia-n9-wins-special-place-in-gsm-arenas-geeky-hearts

I wonder if they have fixed the overzealous ambient light sensor that rarely ever lets you see the actual brightness of the display…

Lucky CJ gets to have a hands on at the event :D. It’s certainly very ‘AWESOME’ LOLOL.

BTW, I read some guys arguing in comments about playing videos in background…is there a need for it? Did you know S40 can do this but Symbian can’t? Maemo can do it but in browser (videos pause when minimized – though every other app continues running LIVE and not as screenshots)

Now it’s all looking good. BUT one thing we do not know yet is how well this will perform over time. Will it get bogged down with media/installed apps? Will you need to ‘hard reset’ just to get it back to its fresh-out-of-box stage? What about bugs/stability? General usability of the thing is important and no one yet has had sufficient experience to say so (and anyone that has have been tinkering with the growing project so can’t say much on the final product itself).

It certainly looks like a positive outlook at least for potential N9 users. Just be as good as the demoes have made it out to be.


Category: MeeGo, Nokia, Nseries, Video

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