

Nokia N9 a hit with Apple fans?

| June 27, 2011 | 0 Comments

We had a tip from miemie pointing us to an article from cultofmac – an Apple focused site – discussing the things to admire in the Nokia N9.

A quick browse at their comments (of which are Apple-Fans) many are in agreement. They love the software AND the hardware too. Giles Turnbull writes, “I want to concentrate on something I think it does pretty well: simplify the touch screen interface.”

That’s a huge complement from a fan of the device that revolutionized touch screen smart phone use. He adds that Nokia should be complemented for knowing to say “no” and keeping the N9 simple to use.

But what about lack of apps?  iPhone user David Heinemeier Hansson (@DHH) said something last week that’s echoing across the responses we’ve heard about the N9. It just needs a core set of apps done well.

David clarifies:

  • And by fuck apps, I mean I’d trade a universe of apps for a phone that did the 97% basics better than the competition in a heartbeat.
  • Nokia could just do the basic 10 apps exceptionally well themselves. Having a 200K app store is vastly overrated.
  • I’m saying I don’t give two fucks about the platform. Just give me a better OS with a small, strong suite of native apps.
  • Ten apps is all I need: – why the 200K apps in the App Store has nothing to do with why I love my iPhone.
  • I’ve had many more than 20 apps on my iPhone. Probably at least 50. But it’s the ones I actually use that matters.

For those amongst you wanting the apps still, Nokia have the N950 dev programme to entice app development. Plus there is Alien Dalvik for Android apps.

Seems the love is spreading. Engadget aren’t the only people converting their opinion of Nokia. This post last week looked at some of the reactions to the N9, with even Gizmodo loving the hardware.

Let’s hope this reaction continues when they have final production devices.


Category: MeeGo, Nokia

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