

Nokia X7 has the brightest AMOLED tested by GSM Arena

| June 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Yesterday, GSM Arena published their Nokia X7 review.

They give the X7 a fair go in their review. On the screen part, something came of quite a surprise on the screen review.

  • The front of the Nokia X7 is dominated by an amazing 4″ nHD AMOLED screen
  • The screen on the X7 is also the brightest AMOLED we’ve tested
  • It’s actually one of the brightest displays we’ve ever tested, LCDs included.

Resolution is what lets it down. Nokia’s really doing great things with screens.  GSM Arena also gave the N9’s AMOLED screen high praises, “bordering on perfection”. Engadget likened it to “looking into the eyes of God”.

For the rest of the review it receives some praises:

  • Much improved web browser
  • Symbian Anna brings a big perceptible change to user experience
  • One of the best Symbian devices (though I’d agree with GSM Arena when they say that’s not saying much now)

Cheers @Niraj_7 for the tip!



Category: Symbian

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