

Nokia N9/MeeGo-Harmattan phone on BBC Breakfast News as image for News of the World Phone Hacking story?

| July 6, 2011 | 0 Comments


Whenever traditional media  used to have stories on phones, the default model used to be some Nokia of sorts. But times have been changing and that’s now usually the now currently more iconic iPhone.

MadridKing was watching BBC breakfast news this morning, with one of the biggest stories of the week (with even the UK PM speaking about it) on the actions of the News Of The World newspaper. We’re not here to discuss that however, what we will talk about is the graphic used in this big story.

It’s in a black silhouette, but those squircles and actual icons have been very clear to as exactly what that is. Hello MeeGo phone.

What’s interesting is the shape. The silhouette is curved in all corners which is neither N9 or N950.

As MadridKing said is his email-tip to us, “Its cool to see that someone in the graphics department either appreciated the phone aesthetics to use it or they were just too lazy to check if it was an iPhone. LOL”

Picture by a HTC HD7 hence why it looks like this. :p
Update: If you have access to BBC breakfast news (or BBC news in general) watch out for the graphic they use for this story. A day later and it’s the same MeeGo-Harmattan icons.


Category: MeeGo, Nokia, Nseries

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