

Nokia N9 for Canada at Expansys (Update: and France, Spain and USA)

| August 13, 2011 | 0 Comments

Nabeel emailed us to say that Expansys Canada also has the Nokia N9 on pre-order.


The availability list here just shows were the Nokia N9 should be available now based on what we have heard around the web. The official availability list consists of Nokia sites with N9 pages. There are also alternative network/retailer availabilities to consider.

Update: You guys have commented availability also for Expansys France, Spain and USA.

Hopefully not just there for space placement.

Availability List:

  1. Australia
  2. Austria
  3. Bulgaria
  4. China
  5. Croatia
  6. Finland
  7. Greece
  8. Hong Kong
  9. Hungary
  10. Malaysia
  11. New Zealand
  12. Portugal
  13. Poland
  14. Romania
  15. Russia
  16. Saudi Arabia
  17. Serbia
  18. Singapore
  19. Slovenia
  20. Sweden
  21. Switzerland
  22. United Arab Emirates
  23. Vietnam
  1. Italy
  2. Philippines
  3. Indonesia
  4. Belgium
  5. Brazil
  6. South Africa
  7. Turkey
  8. Czech Republic
  9. Mexico
  10. Argentina
Network/retailer confirmed availability
  • Norway (via Telenor)
  • UK (via Expansys/Play/MobileFun)
  • Kazakstan
  • Germany (
  • Denmark (via Telia)
  • Canada (Expansys)
  • India (IndiaPlaza)
  • France (via Expansys – cheers Rainbow_S3)
  • Spain (via Expansys – thanks Mad)
  • USA (via Expansys tnx Chiron)

Category: Nokia

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