

2M Nokia Windows Phone shipments from Compal to begin September?

| August 14, 2011 | 0 Comments

You may have already heard that Compal, Taiwanese Original Design Manufacturer or the folks apparently making Nokia’s first Windows Phone devices,  will start delivery to Nokia of 2 million units by September (2011). This should mean that announcement by October 26th SHOULD mean these devices are ready to be on sale shortly after announcement which Stephen Elop had promised. 

Just 2 million? Nokia had always mentioned that it wasn’t until 2011 that they’d be shipping Nokia Windows Phone in volume. If they do sell it all (which would not be difficult to imagine being Nokia) even just 2M would be more than what Samsung, HTC, LG, Dell manages combined in a single quarter; though the playing field is even tougher this time around.

Source: unwiredview

Via: slashgear

Apologies for lateness of this post, it was seen first time round but it got buried in drafts.

Cheers to Vlado, Blackidea and Viipottaja for the tip.


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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