

Seamless computing: Windows Phone 7, Windows 7, Kinect and Microsoft Surface.

| August 31, 2011 | 0 Comments

Here’s something cool featured on engadget yesterday. Seamless computing by the folks from nsquared. It utilises a windows phone 7 device (Samsung Omnia 7), Microsoft Surface, a Windows 7 tablet (ASUS Slate) and a Kinect.

Engadget described similar taster experience in AirPlay (iOS) and Touch to Share (webOS) but calls this much more immersive  and unspeakably cool.

Like webOS, touching the phone on a larger surface transfers some information. Here it produces some contacts and event sent over a floor plan which was viewed on the big MS surface.

Using the tablet, it could give a different view over the floor plan, and when picked up provide a 3D view.

Finally, the tablet interacts with you and “Bill” over Xbox’s Kinect camera

Source: engadget



Category: Windows Phone

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