

Nokia 900 Windows Phone “on RDA’s offices in Finland”

| September 16, 2011 | 0 Comments

This story was first reported by WMPowerUser that says a Nokia 900 Windows Phone was “discovered” in Finland. The story is a touch fishy. It’s based on finding a bluetooth name saying “Nokia 900 Windows phone”. But the bluetooth name is so easy to name – I could easily call it iPhone 6.

However, the claim is that this bluetooth device was not scanning in any particular area. It was at Remote Device Access offices in Finland. RDA allows developers to access a host of Nokia handsets without actually having them to hand. A Nokia 600 was used to scan for some bluetooth devices where a “Nokia 900 Windows phone” was found. If these are Nokia premises you might think it’s a legit place to have such a Nokia 900. But since no one knows anything concrete about it, you wouldn’t think they’d be that careless to leave it in such a discoverable place. Then again, we did see the Nokia SeaRay’s actual housing in a N9 video recently. That (if you ignore Elop’s accidental presentation) was somewhat revealing existance of unannounced devices.

Source: WMPowerUser

Thanks Just Visiting and htarhini for the tip!




Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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