

Video: Nokia UK – Launching The Nokia 700 with Girls in painted jeans

| September 27, 2011 | 0 Comments


Nokia UK uploaded a video called, “Launching the Nokia 700 smartphone”. I don’t know if there’s anything significant in the audio as I’ve forgotten to bring my headphones (stuck in the library trying to cash in some work during my breaks. I want to be on top of all my work so I can have time to do other non uni stuff).

Anyway, what I can see is some girls in bikini bottoms painted to make it look like jeans. That’s almost a common sight at the uni with the girls wearing these things apparently called ‘jeggings’ the extreme form of skinny jeans where your skin-tight leggings are in the appearance of jeans.

The point apparently being no visible phone lines? Nokia’s most compact smartphone…so compact jeans? Compact genes?

NokiaUK took down the other video but reuploaded a new version

Slim, sleek and fast the the ultra-slim Nokia 700 smartphone hits the high street from early October.

The Nokia 700 is perfect for style-conscious girls about town, fitting neatly into any handbag, purse or back pocket of even the skinniest jeans. 

This ultra slim phone features six handy home screens that can be tailored with your choice of apps meaning you can quickly and easily check your email, browse the web or check your social networks. It also comes with a high quality HD camera with flash,and Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, which enables you to share images, videos and music with another phone that uses NFC technology by tapping them together. 

In addition to all of this, the Nokia 700 allows you to get the best deals on the high street simply by scanning promotional barcodes in stores, perfect for those bargain hunting fashionistas.

Anyway, off to lunch now and practicals.


Category: Nokia, Symbian, Video

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