

Russia to get Nokia N9 next week, on October 6

| September 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

Nokia are apparently releasing the Nokia N9 to Russia next week, reports

Eric Bertman, VP Nokia Russia says there were over 15,000 preorders in Russia. That doesn’t strike me as a lot, but if there were say, 10,000 preorders in the 30+ countries where N9 would be available, that’s a pretty decent 300,000 sales on just preorders alone. There may still (and I’m allowed to be hopeful) folks buying it on the day or perhaps later on contract if it’s available to them.

Apps available/included:

Gravity Guy Meego, I Must Run! Meego, Icy Tower Meego, Fragger Meego,  Ping Pong Meego, Prism 3D Meego, eRIA Novosti, Vogue, GQ, Facebook, Twitter, OpenID, LiveJournal, Foursquare, My Bank – find closest ATM, etc


Cheers @Chilko (Momchil Karabulev) for the tip!



Category: MeeGo, Nokia

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