

Nokia 701 screen – outshining them all – brightest screen on any phone, 3x brighter than iPad.

| September 29, 2011 | 0 Comments

Now before we begin, I know some of you have taken GSM Arena’s measurements that gave another Nokia this title (E6) of the brightest screen.

Whilst the E6 is incredibly bright, and a long shot away from its competitors, Nokia says the 701 is just that extra bit brighter. At 1000nits, for comparison:

  • HTC Desire – 236 nits
  • Nokia C7 – 274 nits
  • Apple iPhone 4 – 502 nits
  • LG Optimus Black – 700 nits
  • Nokia N8 – 400 nits
  • Nokia E6 – 900 nits
  • Nokia 701 – 1000 nits
LG Optimus black previously held the brightest of all screens. X7 had the brightest of AMOLEDS but not as bright as the LCD in Optimus Black. Then came the E6 with a blindingly bright screen and well, I guess we’ll just have to get a welding visor out to see the 701.
Now – why make something this bright? Nokia says, why not. On the practicality side, a brighter screen they say is much more visible outdoors. However, with clear black technology, whilst the brightet bits are bright, the darkest parts are dark.
But brighter screen may mean shorter battery life right? Well, with the ambient light sensor, you may not always see the screen at full brightness (I don’t know if this will always be that over zealous ALS from the N8 where it was never on full brightness).  They say if the environment is really bright the screen goes down. Er, what about when it’s really bright and you’re outdoors?
In terms of numbers, 1000 Nits is equivelant to 3145 lux. Moonlight is 1 lux, TV studios are lit at 1000 lux. Nokia says the Nokia 701 is about 3 times brighter than the iPad.

Category: Nokia, Symbian

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