

Video: Introducing Nokia N9 (N9Seconds style)

| September 29, 2011 | 0 Comments

Remember that N9 video we posted about where it looked like some of the previous N9 seconds videos? Seems those appeared earlier than intended as Nokia filed a copyright claim on it.

Presenting again those N9 style N9 seconds ads.

Introducing Nokia N9 – The Simplicity of a Swipe

Introducing Nokia N9 – A beautifully simple all-screen smartphone.

Nokia N9, a bold, all-screen phone that’s incredibly fast and simple to use. All it takes is a swipe. The swipe has made our best features even better and easier to use, so you can get straight to the important things. We wanted to design a better way to use a phone, and it comes down to one simple gesture — a swipe.

Was that the same ballerina?

Introducing Nokia N9 – A Beautifully Simple Smartphone


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Category: MeeGo, Nokia, Video

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