

Video: Shahrukh Khan Launches Nokia 600, 700 and 701 at Bandra, India (where Nokia is no longer top brand)

| September 29, 2011 | 0 Comments

Here’s a video of King of Bollywood, SRK – Sharukh Khan, launching the NFC enabled Symbian Belle handsets in Bandra, India. These are of course, the Nokia 600, Nokia 700 and Nokia 701. Is that SRK on the phone screen wearing some superhero like Lycra costume?

SRK notes NFC being the future. (Video goes static for me at about 1:35 :s) He remisinces about the excitement for infra-red and then bluetooth. The video then dies about there.

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BTW in somewhat related news, Nokia is apparently no longer the most trusted brand in India. That spot is not taken up by another phone manufacturer, but something else that Shahrukh Khan was an ambassador for – Colgate.

(Cheers mrprince for that tip)




Category: Nokia, Symbian

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