

Jussi Mäkinen on the Nokia N9

| October 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Jussi Mäkinen is on video for   sharing the virtues of the Nokia N9.

I find this much more compelling than any of the previous N9 videos that were supposed to be adverts!

Something that does bug me is why is N950 here? And why is it tapping the Play 360 speaker when it doesn’t have NFC.


Nokia N9 brings you all the most important content and applications in just one touch away.

Photos, audio, location, distribution, networks - what ever you want to do at all, the Nokia N9is at your service.

Video by 

Cheers Ali and “asdaf” for the tip!


Category: Maemo, MeeGo, Nokia, Nseries, Video

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