

Nokia Sleeping Screen now at Nokia Store.

| October 13, 2011 | 0 Comments

Nokia’s Sleeping Screen app is now available at Nokia Store. I hope people who aren’t familiar with the app try it, despite the name suggesting something to do with sleeping.

This is a brilliant must have app for Nokia fans with AMOLED screens (and Symbian :p). It’s very helpful just to see with a glance, the time and any new messages. Now that’s more like the heads up stuff Ahtisaari talks about (and technically, the always on screen has always been available in S^3). You can however choose your own set of colourful images, which can if you wish change in a slide show fashion. Battery wise, I’ve not found a significant reduction that would make it unusable.

Cheers Realtechie for the tip!



Category: Applications, Nokia, Symbian

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