

3500 improvements coming to Nokia N9 update. Windows 8 so easy for a 2 year old to use.

| October 15, 2011 | 0 Comments


@Chilko tweeted this to me yesterday morning but I was in practicals and lectures all day. In case you had not heard, the Nokia N9 will be getting the updates Nokia mentioned, and within that, there’s around 3500 improvements.

Improvements are a legion. This is due to the fact that many teams stopped the sales release work already in spring time and set their sights on the first update release. I counted around 3500 improvements (fixes or features) to be in the release.

This is from Konttori – you may remember his blog post earlier this year, titled, “Respect“. With a quick skim, he mentions something about Windows 8 – not liking Metro (as tiles is sometimes associated with the whole of Metro, though there is more to it) though he says the rest of it is good.

“However rest of the tablet & phone UI is a jewel. It’s so easy to use that even my 2,5 years old daughter is able to power it on, unlock it with the picture password, open metro home and start drawing with the paint application”. He also notes some problems with apps crashing. Good thing that’s happening now whilst that thing is not actually on sale, eh, S^3.

I think it’s safe to say he much prefers swiping than panelled blocks. I’m yet to try either (Win 8 or MeeGo Harmattan) but I think something of a combination would be nicer.

I also think he’s now on the Windows Phone team, looking at new devices coming out 2013/2014. By 2013, they expect XBox 360/PS3 power. They’re not too far off already (well Industry as a whole). Xbox Phone anyone? Or XBox Tablet or new generation of devices.

When I’m looking at the next generation of CPU/GPU combinations, I’m almost speechless on what could be done with them. We were stuggling so much with N9 to get the 60 fps possible on the 848×480 display

Lots of exciting stuff ahead:

so many opportunities that it makes my imagination just tingle of working to set the playground ready for the next innovations on the software front.


Category: MeeGo, Nokia, Windows, Windows Phone

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