

TechCrunch’s Nokia N9 Review: “so beautiful and works so smoothly that I’m actually having a hard time putting the N9 down”

| October 16, 2011 | 0 Comments

Robin Wauters from TechCrunch published his Nokia N9 review titling it, “The most amazing phone you’ll never buy”.

  • easily one of the most pleasant, fast and thoughtfully designed phones he’s ever used
  • Lots of things liked in the N9:
    • touchscreen responsiveness
    • nifty swiping
    • unibody design, curved glass, lack of buttons
    • Maps
    • Camera quality
    • Notification
    • NFC
  • Didn’t like the browser (no tabs, no favourites, no read it later, odd rendering at times).
  • Didn’t like lack of personalisable backgrounds.
  • Lol, iPhone users will apparently miss their folders. How odd to see such simple Nokia standard things that were never in iPhone come as a shortcoming for a Nokia and a pro for the competition.
  • Too expensive
  • Lack of apps
  • phone is so beautiful and works so smoothly that I’m actually having a hard time putting the N9 down
  • Realistically though, he wouldn’t recommend it – says phones out there are cheaper, offer more choices (aka apps). How sad. Is apps really all that should matter?

The Nokia N9′s hardware, operating system and pre-installed applications are almost all exceptionally good, and a tight integration between them makes for a top notch user experience. Unfortunately, the price is far too steep, and there just aren’t enough apps on the marketplace.



Category: Maemo, MeeGo, Nokia, Nseries

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