

Video: Tangible NFC-enabled games from Nokia

| October 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

This video shows NFC gaming where NFC objects are used to interact with real world with your phone. They use a lot of cards, but they later show an NFC teddy where you tap the bear where it moved on the screen. It’s a bit like that bop it game. Some other things like the screenshot above show tapping of cards in order to get correct phrases, in this case putting a Shakespear quote in the right order.

NFC has much potential, this is just one of the ways to show it (admittedly probably not one of the most engaging or exciting looking). Imagine this possibly integrated into monopoly. Real life board game, you see your cards, and cash all in your phone. Tap the board to get your community chest/chance cards, pay the banker or rent to other plays by tapping. It could alternatively work just with one phone, with the phone being swapped around for each turn and then just interacting with the board. That’s just one odd idea as I was playing monopoly the other day when a lecture got cancelled.

You might want to check out this post at Nokia Beta Labs:

 Nokia Research Center’s Luis Sarmenta, Principal Scientist, demonstrates how Near Field Communications (NFC) enables a whole new way to play. You can try the games now at Nokia Beta Labs: 

Instead of just looking at a small screen and pressing buttons, Nokia’s new class of “tangible” games let you have fun — naturally — in the real world with physical objects, just as you would when playing traditional family and party games. In addition, you can play these games alone or with friends anytime and anywhere using any NFC tags you already have. There is no need to wait for merchants to set up posters or tags, and you can use the same tags with any number of different games. This video will give you a glimpse into a whole new world of possibilities that are available with Nokia’s new Symbian Belle smartphones and NFC.



Category: Nokia, Symbian

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