

Nokia and EA – exclusive experiences for Nokia Windows Phone users (+40 Free EA games for S40)

| October 29, 2011 | 0 Comments

Apparently there’s going to be some Nokia Windows Phone exclusive games from EA.

Next, they are going to bring 20 of the world’s best games to Windows Phone for Nokia. “This time, we’ll be designing our games for an awe-inspiring experience on Windows Phone for Nokia,” he said, noting that they plan to publish 10 games from EA as well as games from Chillingo, their indie publishing arm. There will also be seven games from the Hasbro line-up for Nokia users worldwide.  

“That’s the best games for free plus exclusive content for Nokia users. It’s a big win for Nokia’s consumers worldwide,” Barry said.  

S40 are getting some Nokia EA love too, with 40 free games from EA. That’s pretty cool. BTW, although you might have reservations on quality of games for S40, on the 1GHz devices, they don’t look too bad. Quite impressive actually, considering the specs and price.

The Nokia line of Windows Phones is essentially like the Nexus line in terms of exclusive features first, making them for that alone, highly desirable.

We know already that these are coming exclusively with Nokia Music and Nokia Drive, the latter of which I find a deal breaker (voice turn by turn navigation out of the box, thank you Nokia).

There are also some exclusive Nokia WP features – such as improved accuracy on capacitive keys to avoid mispress. I gathered that eventually this will be shared for the benefit of the entire ecosystem of WP devices.

Although some might see this as Nokia giving away their advantages, Another way to look at this is that Nokia are trying to grow in and WITH a promising NASCENT OS. Right now it is in its best interest to make this platform grow and be desirable for all. There’s no point being the biggest fish in the pond. BTW, with things like Nokia Maps for all, Nokia will be getting a bigger share of users, so more opportunity to make revenue as Nokia Maps becomes more widely available.  Keeping things first for a while though is a trend I’d like to see continue for Nokia. Share, but share later.

Thanks Rebbe and jr for the tip!


Category: Applications, Games, Nokia, S40, Windows Phone

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