

Nokia Suite updated to v3.2.98.0; + Ovi Suite Sync with N9 (instructions)?

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Image emailed in by Nguyen

A couple of readers tipped in that there’s an update for Nokia Suite to v3.2.98.0

– Improve features and performance.
– Updates applications.
– Better stability.


Sync with N9? As you know we can use Nokia Link for N9 but what about Nokia Suite? Well Matt emailed in that it may just be possible.

This link details how it can be done. or at the bottom of this page (if the above link isn’t working)

For those seeking an easier way to sync contacts and calendars using Outlook without going through the cloud (ie, using gmail as a MFE server), then I have stumbled across a solution that works.

Ovi Suite will recognise and sync with the N9. It works. You can then upgrade to the current Ovi Suite and it will continue to work – but only if you have created the sync under the version.

– When you are installing, turn off internet connections otherwise Ovi Suite will automatically upgrade before installing
– Once installed, turnoff auto-update software (for now) and plug your handset in. It will recognise, install drivers, and say it is ready
– Confirm your sync settings, and press sync.
– You can then go back online and agree to update your Ovi Suite to the current release

PS – just use google to download a copy of Ovi Suite from any other the main download sites.

Also, a confirmed bug that has been frustrating me (and confirmed to be addressed in PR1.1) is that when syncing from MFE, some all day events – in particular birthdays – come across as a day late on the N9 calendar. If you go and edit the series manually on the handset, they will correct themselves, but if changes are done via another device, the sync will be wrong again. At least it is being fixed very soon

Cheers yabai.youth, Nguyen Hoai Linh and Matt for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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