

Lumia 800 – Phone of the year; WP Market place reaches 40,000 apps and other Lumia related news.

| November 18, 2011 | 0 Comments


OK for the sake of not overly doing it on Lumia news for now, let’s look at them all very quickly in this post. I think it’s important to point out again that success of Nokia Lumia 800 or WP does not make the success of Symbian/MeeGo/S40 any less of a good thing.

1) Nokia Lumia 800 – Phone of the year?

Apparently, WhatMobile have crowned the Nokia Lumia 800 the Phone of the year for 2011. I don’t know where the original article is (search doesn’t turn anything up yet) but Nok Conv had a post about it at

2) Daily Mail – Nokia Lumia 800, Nokias back in the game

Nokia Lumia 800 – according to British Tabloid Daily Mail, Nokia is ‘back in the game’ as even they are aware of all the positive reviews the phone has been getting. They seem to have an error on their article that the 800 has a 4.5″ screen, though they are still technically correct that it’s still bigger than the iPhone’s 3.5″. They correctly have 3.7″ though in their table.

3) Windows Phone market place has reached 40,000 apps.

That’s great stuff. Not in the numbers of iOS or Android, but it’s still early days and more apps that could ever fit on your phone. Just for some perspective, there’s clearly more apps for any one Windows Phone than any Symbian handset (the mark says 50k apps but some are s40, and the Symbian apps aren’t all cross compatible. Even S^3 must contend with different versions for the E6’s aspect ratio).

The issue reviewers had initially was the lack of apps but have said, the ones they need – it actually has it. With Nokia’s focus on volume, they will certainly drive the usage towards more Nokia Windows Phones using up Market Place, giving WP a leg up with a bigger audience and developers more reason to develop for the platform. Most recently of course a study showed more interest in WP now (because of Nokia) than Symbian or MeeGo combined, surpassing also RIM. Having said that, Nokia Store is not something to be scoffed at at 10 million daily downloads, there are plenty of developer opportunities on Nokia’s own platforms. Nokia Store and Market Place were supposed to integrate in some way right? Wonder when that’s happening. I can’t wait to show you guys some apps from my Lumia 800 next week.

4) AT&T in talks to bring Nokia Windows Phones.

I think we’ve had plenty of news/rumours on Verizon and AT&T bringing over some Nokia Windows Phones next year, possibly with LTE, no?

5) The Music App for the Nokia Lumia is Updated.

Nokia Conversations have already updated the Nokia Music app for the Nokia Lumia. The new update adds to the personalization features of the app and improves Nokia’s Gigfinder functionality.

Thanks mrprince, bas, James, Gurdeep, ChenJ and Jon for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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