Vote for Qt. Qt for Windows Phone under review.
Something that looked so simple to us on the outside would be to bring Qt to Windows Phone, leveraging then both all the possible Qt developers and bringing them to this young new Windows Phone OS. But for what ever reason, it’s not there.
Well on the Windows Phone official site’s developer feedback page, Qt for Windows Phone is under review, and has amassed around seven hundred votes. But I’m sure you guys can push that further.
Windows Phone native developers have done well to push marketplace to 50,000 at a way quicker pace than Android, Symbian and BlackBerry. Only 2 months behind iPhone. Imagine if Qt developers suddenly just had the ability to port tens of thousands of apps to the platform? (I’m sure it’s not that simple otherwise, N9 would also have tens of thousands of N8’s Qt apps).
Laura Reed, Laura Reed (Admin, Windows Phone Developer) responded  · Â
This is an outctopping from the Native SDK suggestion ( Please use this suggestion to vote and comment on your want/need for Qt support on the Windows Phone platform.
Vote and Comment if you want Qt on Windows Phone
p.s. whilst you’re here in a voting mode, Nokia’s made it to round 3:Â
Comments for Qt:
ysedit commented  · Â
Would be really cool.
Qt is today supported on Harmattan, Symbian, BB10, has community ports on IOS and Androïd… the only mobile OS where Qt is not is WP, which is the main focus for Nokia, owner of Qt… Strange, no ?
Having Qt everywhere, including WP, would help having your application running everywhere without the need of re developping it… It’s already the case on the desktop side, just waiting the same on the mobile side.
Bojan Komljenović commented  · Â
I’m not going to sweet talk you into Qt/QML, but do think about this:
There is a vast number of multiplatform Qt developers with various background knowledge that enriches them in their Qt app making carriers.
You do want that variety in power and knowledge pulled to WP7 by any mean necessary.
To answer your question boldly, only a full Qt port to WP7 will satisfy a majority of developers.
Randall Arnold commented  · Â
Ah, that would be the holy grail for so many developers… especially those coming from Symbian.
Enrico Miglino commented  · Â
As a multiplatform developer, working mostly on Qt environments for symbian, Harmattan and Android but also developing pure C++ / linux for embedded platforms and java when Android needs specific in- depth os applications as any kind of platform for web side services I can say that why not, WP7 / 8 wil be a new native platform. If the code we developed in past should be changes, it should be done. Times changes and if past code was developed with high technology level and portability there are not great problems to convert, recycle or reuse on this new platform. I was in past years Ms developer for about 10 years, then I worked on cicso operating system for advanced technology routers, then I managed and ported many of the Windows for workgorup code developing Novell OS for The old Novell platforms.
And just for this reason, as open source developer, memebr of the Nokia developer community and of the KDE – Necessitas I think that the best solution to open to the great potential of the developers is the ability of this great platform to integrate the Qt development. Indeed should be maintained the grapic style and characterial impact of the device itself, just because I think that a differentiation is a great thing. But the presence of the Qt means not only to cover a wide portion of the mobile development world but means too moving the device in a potential market grow that can only be positive for the product distribution.
And many, many more.
Thanks Vikas Patidar for the tip!
Category: Nokia, Windows Phone
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