

More Nokia N8 Successor hints – Xenon, replaceable battery, polycarbonate, bigger screen…(+Lumia 900 same camera as 800)

| January 8, 2012 | 0 Comments



In the last post, we discussed some of dsmobile’s insights into the Nokia N8 successor. You can see in that post that he’s a very reliable source so we won’t go into explaining why again. Just note he’s a very trustworthy source. You can also go to that post where we’ve linked back to previous N8 successor rumours.

Most interesting is that from that post, dsmobile has answered some questions from our readers giving more info again on the N8 successor. Let’s take a look.

  • Camera phone will have NFC and Xenon and…
  • Screen is bigger than N8 and CBD with Clock.
  • Front design is really nice, white one looks really cool.
  • That design in slim phone with basic camera would also work really nice.
  • Battery is back to old school and you can change it your self with out tools. =)

So, NFC, Yay for Xenon and bigger AMOLED screen. I’m liking the sound that the front design is nice. dsmobile has very good taste in phones. I’m excited to see what this would look like. It seems to have a bump like the N8 since he says it would work with as slim phone and a ‘basic camera’ i.e. one that is flush with the back.

It should please Steve Litchfield, not just to see another Xenon but also to have a replaceable battery cover. Two things he’s the greatest proponents for, (other than Symbian).

Xenon with any of Nokia’s Zeiss cameras would be awesome. Look at what the N82 can achieve at 5MP. I’d gladly give up the 3MP extra in the N9/Lumia to have even the N82’s camera. With the specs of the phone it should be able to handle HD video too.

On how it looks

N8 successor is more similar to the N9 in terms of materials apparently. So polycarbonate again. As for design,

  • “well not really design but materials.”

On the processor:

In reply to: what’s about processors?

same as 701/700/603 or a new chasis?

  • new

Well hopefully that’s talking about new processors not new chasis. When asked specifically, “ST Ericsson? U8500 or U9500 DUAL-core soc?” dsmobile says he

  • “can’t say”.

dsmobile has played with Symbian Carla.

  • Carla is lovely girl but I still like Swipe UI even it has it’s faults specially if kids play with it.
  • Beside Belle and Carla are sisters and pretty similar. Other has more expensive taste with details.
  • Donna might come from different family.
  • My self I am not really looking camera when buying a phone I am more for fashion phones like N9 or Vertu if I had money for it.

Donna might be very different. Carla seems to be higher end.

Not N8 successor related but also from dsmobile, the Nokia Lumia 900 is apparently sporting the same camera as the Nokia Lumia 800. I thought we were getting a better camera? That’s a disappointment as for a Nokia, I think it’s rather mediocre.

Lumia 900 has same camera as Lumia 800.





Category: N8 Successor, Nokia, Rumours

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