

Video: Qt Twitter app, Tweeties for Symbian on Nokia N8 (Belle)

| January 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Here’s a look at a new twitter app for Symbian, tweeties. Looks nice though in this demo it seems to take an awful long while to load mentions. Other parts look pretty nice and relatively smooth (especially considering the hardware). I’m rather impressed by the app over all. It even has pull down to refresh and a bunch of other neat features to make twitter on Symbian that much nicer. To top it all off, this is free. It’s possibly my new favourite alternative to Gravity (paid).

Price: Free



Developer Blurb:

Tweeties Free is a read only Twitter Client for Symbian phones.

It will give you the simple and clean UI style, the beautiful graphics and the considerate drop down list, all are designed for your good experience.

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Category: Applications, Nokia, Symbian

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