

Nokia N9 user review of the Nokia Lumia 800: “Lumia 800 is the only phone I’d trade my N9 for”

| January 19, 2012 | 0 Comments


Abdulla Zaki, or aboodesta as you might see him here has written up a review of the Nokia Lumia 800 from the eyes of an experienced Nokia N9 user.

Check it out here.

The verdict? He’s surprised he likes it.

One word: Brilliant. I never really thought I’d say this but, the Lumia 800 is the only phone I’d trade my N9 for. It does social networking integration so well, its butter smooth, and extremely easy to use. Unfortunately this phone is not yet ready for the Middle East, but once its ready, I’m buying a Nokia Windows Phone.

But why is that? In summary:


  • + Superb Hardware and Design
  • + Butter Smooth OS
  • + Best Social Integration on any platform
  • + Nokia Maps and Nokia Drive for free navigation.
  • + MarketPlace has most needs covered
  • + Very Stable
  • + Metro UI looks cool


  • – Disappointing Camera
  • – No Bluetooth transfer
  • – Dependent on Zune
  • – Nokia Maps and Nokia Drive need to be better integrated together.

Category: MeeGo, Nokia, Windows Phone

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