

Lumiappaday #80: ESPN on the Nokia Lumia 800

| February 3, 2012 | 7 Replies

Another Nokia/Lumia exclusive app for WP, today we take a look at ESPN for WP (on the market place you can find ESPN ScoreCenter and ESPN news, but ‘ESPN’ can only be found on your Lumia Phone under ‘Nokia Collections’); which is why there is no real “developers blurb” and the link below is dead (that’s the link you get when you share the app with someone else through the marketplace on your phone).

The ESPN app brings you the latest sports news be it NBA, NFL, Soccer, NHL, NCAA, Rugby, Cricket, Formula 1 and much more; each sport category includes the latest scores, game highlights, Upcoming and previous games,  and direct links to the websites of all teams. ESPN also has a ‘Social’ section which brings you the latest updates from ESPNs official Twitter & FB, as well as ESPN exclusiv interviews and insights.

Honestly this app has more than enough information jam-packed into it to keep any sports fan happy, short of live game feeds you couldn’t ask for anything else.

#80) ESPN

Price: Free




Developer Blurb:

Follow the Latest match results, breaking news, commentary and videos from you favorite sports and teams around the world with ESPN on you NOKIA device. ESPN…The Worldwide Leader in Sports


Design: 9

Usability: 10

Performance: 10

Price: 10


Another great reason to buy a Lumia phone if you’re  a true-die hard sports fan




Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, Windows Phone

About the Author ()

Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.