

Updating From Leaked/CFW Belle to Official Belle (Plus Random Changelog)

| February 7, 2012 | 0 Comments

I’m sure there are alot of you who like me couldn’t wait for the official Belle rollout and switched over to Symbian Belle along time ago (about 4 months for me), you’ll be glad to know that for alot of you switching over to the official Belle (Just because it’s official) shouldn’t be difficult at all. The latest version of Belle CFW I was running was Belle delight, where under Version number it said something like 111.28 something (forgot it completely); all I had to do was connect my N8 to Nokia suite and TaDa I got the prompt to update to Belle.

Obviously I was a bit cautious cause I though this might be considered a ‘Down Grade” which as we all know is a big no-no for symbian, but thankfully it worked fine without  a hitch. Obviously I can’t be sure if it works with all variants of the Leaked Belle but hopefully it should (TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK!!)

And here’s just a little change-log between the earlier releases of Leaked Belle and the Official:

  • Nokia Pure Font is the default font on the phone now
  • New start up tone basically just two Dings “Ting- Ting”
  • Something called “Chat Apps” – takes you to the web Ovi store
  • I’ll add more as soon as all my applications are restored (can’t use the phone while they’re restoring)
  • Something called “Nokia Recommends” which appears similar to the app highlights that came on the stock S^3
  • F-Secure anti virus comes pre loaded onto the device
  • As Does Microsoft Communicator
  • Shazam and Quickoffice & Youtube are also pre-loaded (probably on C which means bye bye RAM)
  • Swype is the default keyboard
  • better haptic feed back
  • smaller icons for shortcuts on Homescreen (Thumbnail/image is smaller)
  • “Search Widget Update” is available in software updater
  • Smoother kinetic scrolling
  • Still “Big Clock” is the only screen saver available (not sure if people who went official all the way have more options)
  • The Widgets that were leaked from the E6 a while back (data monitor small Music player and many more ARE NOT available)
  • If you had the beta Nokia store it’s now been replaced with ovi store again, however you’re prompted to update as soon as you run it.

Thats about it for now, might update this later if I find anything else; did you find anything else??


Category: Nokia, Symbian

About the Author ()

Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.