

Weekend Read: Engadget’s White Nokia N9 hands on

| February 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

In case you missed it, here’s the mythical white Nokia N9, in the hands of Engadget’s Myriam Joire (tnkgrl).

Check out the link below for the gallery and video. It’s a shame picture on the box is of the black N9. As we’ve seen before, instead of a white case (that would match the colour of the N9), it comes in a classy leather case (which I think I’d use much more often as it protects the screen). The white plug makes the most sense as it’s shiny white like this unicorn N9.

It does look so much nicer in person. They somehow avoid making the shiny white gloss not look cheap or tacky. As Myriam said, it’s like some classy ivory white piano key. Why would you not want it? So true.

Cheers incognito for the tip!


Category: MeeGo, Nokia, Nseries, Video

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