

Ovi Chat updated for Nokia Belle?

| February 21, 2012 | 0 Comments


We got an email and a gallery of screenshots from Anup showing an updated version of Ovi Chat for Belle:

There’s an updated version of Ovi Chat in the store for Belle devices (at least, that’s how i found it for my C7). It’s called Nokia Chat now and has a welcome screen similar to the ones for Maps, Public Transport etc.The changes seem only cosmetic, however; the inside of the app, the options, etc etc all are exactly the same as the last version that was released for Anna. There is a new widget though, Belle-themed, that actually looks a lot like that Skype widget shown on ads for Belle some time back. The version no is 3.14.10, hopefully they update more than just the look and the start screen next time!


Category: Nokia

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