

Nokia 808 PureView on BBC News’ front page

| February 27, 2012 | 0 Comments

Nokia’s 808 PureView is making waves it seems. It’s on BBC News’ front page.

They do make some rather controversial comments,

“Symbian, which first appeared on Nokia phones in the 90s, is widely regarded as inferior to the app and social media-driven Windows Phone system.”

Although it needed to be on a WP given Nokia’s new strategy, this technology could only work on Symbian for the time being. There are clear indications though that we will see PureView into more devices, those likely at least being Lumia WP. Please MS, work your ass off to get Apollo ready in time.

They also seem to long for the N9/Lumia 900 design.

Returning back to the positive, folks shouldn’t care too much that it’s on Symbian. Belle is nice enough and with FP1 and a beefier processor then the blinding 41MP camera should be enough to wow consumers. They’ll hopefully get away with nHD in 2012. 41mp is a CRAZY number to have in a phone, but because it’s Nokia it’s also done properly so images produced are of high quality (and not simply just for marketing). Get folks noticed with an incredible 41mp, satisfy them with breathtaking picture quality inside. Reading the 808 story makes me gasp at how incredible today’s achievement was for Nokia. This is the best pocket camera for any situation, at any time. I think competing handsets might spontaneously combust at the thought of a camera show down with the 808.

PureView with WP, or even whatever turns out to be the MeeGo/next disruptions force will certainly be another one to keep your eye on given the unfortunate instant dislike folks seem to have at the notion that something is Symbian (something that has been happening in media for the past 3-4 years).

Cheers @gabrielharrison for the tip.


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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