

Nokia PureView 808 with new Windows Phone/Lumia like Multitasking Interface

| February 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

We got a tip from Tulsi about a new multitasking interface for Belle FP1. The link unfortunately was not working but a search found this video (I think it’s a clip from somewhere else). Anyway, as you can see, gone is the silly square thumbnail but instead you have something that looks more like Windows Phone/Lumia multitasking.

This style is NOT WP only, it was popularised I guess by WebOS (Pre/TouchPad) also found in BB playbook and it was the multitasking view (part of) Vanilla MeeGo (pinch zoom then allowed grid mode). You might also say it’s pretty much the same from S^3 except that the cards are of the actual ratio of the screen so you can see exactly what was going on instead of just what happened in the middle.

In the link below you can read about FP1 for Belle as an update to Nokia 603, 700 and 701.



Category: Nokia, Symbian, Video

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