

Video: Nokia 808 PureView with Nokia Rich Recording vs the competitors

| February 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Nokia has always been provided extreme high quality audio. Back in the day, the likes of the N93 produced high quality stereo audio with rich sound whilst the competition provided those craptastic tinny garbage like it was recorded for MMS video from the year 2006.

You could always tell, even today, when video is recorded on the likes of a Nokia, not just from quality but from superior audio. With the Nokia 808 PureView they set the bar even higher.

It sounds incredible! Make sure you play this through decent headphones or speaker system. Playing them through a phone or poor laptop speakers won’t allow you to appreciate the vast difference in audio quality.

Audio in video is sometimes just as important as the video itself – clear, crisp, close reproduction of the sound can make it seem you’re back in that environment. NokiaConnects notes that you should be able to record even louder sounds too, with a reduction of that “clipping” phenomenon. (Unfortunately the N8 has that, whilst the N900, N82, N9 etc didn’t

Can you tell what other ‘popular smartphones’ are recording against the 808?


Source: NokiaConnects

Cheers Edmund for the tip


Category: Nokia, Symbian, Video

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