

Video: T3 – Nokia 808 PureView vs iPhone 4S

| March 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

First off, if you want a clearer comparison of imaging between iPhone 4S and Nokia 808 PureView then see James Burland’s piece:

The 4S is no slouch – whilst we might have different preferences over the level of saturation, it has come a long way since the first iPhone. But so has the new PureView.

T3 have a demo video below ‘comparing’ the two. To be fair on the iPhone, I don’t know how far the level of zoom goes on that device when viewing in their respective galleries. But James Burland has already shown in the link above that there is much more information, detail, clarity, colour and dynamic range in the 808. It is after all, a camera-centric device.

The video description asks provocatively, ‘is it better than the iPhone’


Cheers HaugMedia for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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