

Video: Tech Doll impressed with the Nokia 808 PureView

| March 11, 2012 | 36 Replies

Someone who calls themselves ‘Tech Doll’ and has an outfit to match the somewhat quirky name has decided to talk about the Nokia 808 PureView. Whilst she says controvercially that it might have been expected that Nokia put the 808 on WP Mango, she does think that with 1.3GHz, Belle (not aware that it’s FP1?) would be insane, i.e. no lags? She says Symbian Belle IS quite nice and easy to use but says the choice of apps is not that much especially not compared to iOS, Android or even WP.

She says Symbian Belle offers the best multitasking experience (perhaps she has not tried N900/N9). She seems pleased that ‘loading’ apps takes a fraction of a second when multitasking on Belle. Interesting point there, I never thought of it like that. It should have been the angle Nokia used when iOS didn’t have their version of multitasking. In fact she mentions this is something you’ll miss on iOS or WP (not strictly true but there we go). She goes on to say she thinks multitasking is even better on Belle than Android.

Then the camera – unlike any other smartphone. From going at 100% crop, Tech Doll says the 808 is better than most camera phones out there. Optically apparently, it’s on par with beginner’s SLR and she says she can’t wait to do a comparison. The biggest sensor paired with a large aperture means more photons of light for those pixels, with less noise in night videos/pictures. Two flashes, a xenon and LED – pretty cool, nothing like she’s ever seen before apparently. Well, that’s true. Whilst there have been combinations of both, I doubt there has been a phone that will do the xenon with as much justice.

Downsampling is then explained as well as zoom. Whilst the phone is slightly heavier than some, Tech Doll says that doesn’t make that much of a difference because of what you’re getting.


Given WHEN this video was uploaded (29th February) and when they would have had to record this, I’m impressed that they clearly understood the key concepts of the Nokia 808 PureView and that it isn’t just about MP. It is quite a lot better than folks that I had assumed to be ‘camera experts’ who did not understand PureView’s oversampling/pixel binning/PureView and certain ‘gadget bloggers’ that also thought MP was just for marketing.


Thanks Karan for the tip!



Category: Nokia, Symbian, Video

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