

Lumiappaday #122: Untangle demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800

| March 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Untangle is a simple puzzle game where you have to untangle the strings. When tangled, strings appear read. Move the end points so that the strings no longer overlap and they turn white, but make sure you know what is where otherwise you might create more tangles.

There’s a time component too and if you do the level again, it will tell you whether you have beaten your previous time or not.

#122) Untangle

Price: Free



Developer Blurb:

Untangle is a fun, planarity-styled puzzle game for Windows Phone.


– 50 unique, handcrafted levels

– Saves your progress while solving

– … and your Highscores!

– Themebased, modern Metro Design


Design: 7

Usability: 10

Performance: 10

Price: 10


Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, Nokia, Windows Phone

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