

WP sales take over Symbian sales in the UK

| March 20, 2012 | 0 Comments

In February it was reported that Symbian sales in the UK would be taken over by Windows Phone soon.

Just to reiterate what was last said, it is not so much WP growing significantly but Symbian sales continuing their trend and crashing in the UK. Having said that, it is still worth noting that WP IS growing in the UK. Right now WP is 2.5% vs Symbian on 2.4%.

Whilst there is a very slight encouraging outlook for Nokia’s Lumia, they do drastically need to speed up the pace. More devices, better devices but most importantly, release them perhaps in the same millenium as announcement. There’s no point having something like the Lumia 900 announced in January only to be available when no body cares, especially when the specs on paper are clearly already from early 2011.

Cheers all for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Symbian, Windows Phone

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