

WiFi sharing/tethering coming next week to Lumia 800?

| March 25, 2012 | 8 Replies


Windows Phone Mango by default supports WiFi sharing. However, it was not to be on our Nokia Lumia 710 or 800. WiFi sharing is supposedly coming out of the box for the Nokia Lumia 610 and 900. For the 710 and 800, WiFi sharing would come as an update.

Just a few days ago, I received (quite later than most) the latest update that helps the battery life. I’ve not had an issue with mine but I am super pleased to notice my battery life has improved quite a bit. The reason the WiFi sharing feature was not bundled with that update was apparently so that users could get the update without delay from carriers who may not have wanted to have WiFi sharing enabled on devices (normally used to connect to more data hungry devices, e.g. laptops, tablets).

I’m not quite sure how reliable this information is, but if it’s true that it’s coming next week, then, dang – finally! I can stop myself getting a MiFi thingy. Plus, with the Lumia’s improved battery life, it should be able to last longer whilst sharing its internet connection.


Source:  Plaffo via WMPU

Cheers Prashant for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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