

Elop vs Chou, Nokia 808 PureView vs HTC One X?

| March 27, 2012 | 0 Comments

We got sent a couple of links of images supposedly taken on the Nokia 808 and the HTC One X. There’s some odd smudge on the 808 that makes the place look all dusty for some reason.

808. It looks so dirty. What’s going on here? It seems to have been hit by the old dirty smudge trick/fail. You can kind of see where the light is smearing.

Let’s zoom in on Chou’s ID badge.

HTC. Lolwut?

Even with the dirty 808 camera lens, the Nokia 808 still pulls off the detail. There we go. Peter Chou HTC Gold.

Source Links:

If flash was on the 808, it would obviously demolish any LED counterpart.

Cheers Mapantz for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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