

N9 Vs Lumia 800- Gestures/Swipe, Status Bar & Multi-Tasking #MeegoVsWindows

| April 2, 2012 | 114 Replies

We’re back with the second part of our New review series N9VsLumia; today’s segment includes a comparison of the following:

  • Standby on each phone/OS
  • Phone status bars
  • Gestures supported
  • Multi-tasking
  • Quick demonstration of why Swipe CAN’T work on WP (Alot of people were hoping to have it implemented as part of Nokia’s special partnership with Microsoft)
(I know almost everyone here has seen these features before; but it didn’t seem right to skip out on such essential difference before getting to the little things).

*One note I forgot to point out in the first part was how shocked I was that the N9- the haven of open source; did not come with a pre-loaded file manager app! How is that even possible? I personally was expecting a Symbian like layout where everything is set-up and waiting for me to play/tinker with (just thought it was worth a mention).

Back to the topic on hand; as is pointed out in the video & My Lumia 800 review – my largest issue with the Lumia is that when the screen is locked; the phone is for all purposes dead, there is no super useful Amoled clock like the N9 or even the N8, nor is there even a breathing light that signifies that there is indeed life in the device.

As expected when it comes down to Multitasking the N9 wins; not just over the Lumia 800 but over any other device out there; with it’s deck of cards layout (that ca’t help but remind me of the ill fated WebOS) It’s a great multi-tasking platform; however you can go ahead and call me crazy for saying this but honestly when it comes right down to it; the Lumia 800 and WP in general DON’T NEED multi-tasking as it is in the N9. The simple reason of this being that the OS is incredibly fluid, opening up a “Dead” process on WP is possibly faster than resuming a previously running/minimized app on ANY other OS (Meego included)- Active resume (which is what it basically is) is great for when I want to find a video link while sending an email, or switching back and forth between whatever game I’m playing and Whatsapp, but short of those cases it’s quite possibly quicker to start a new task than it is to switch back to a previously paused one on any other OS.

In short Meego has a much superior Multi-tasking process than WP or anything else; but WP counters with a system that can open new processes as fast as if they where running in the background (the only comparison I can think of is how Android devices need Quad cores to run properly, while WP only needs a single core with 512MB to run smoother than most Penta-Core devices- meaning it’s not a  viable comparison)- similarly lack of TRUE Multi-tasking on WP isn’t a complete hindrance, as much as it is a luxury that we’d love to have).

*Side Note: IF you guys have any ideas on specific features that you’d like to see compared in an upcoming segment; or basic comments let me know down below- AS ALWAYS BE CIVIL PLEASE! Remember these are both two great device by Nokia; so none of that *My OS kicks your OSes butt!*


Category: Applications, MeeGo, Nokia, Symbian, Video, Windows Phone

About the Author ()

Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.