

Skype for Windows Phone at Marketplace for your Lumia

| April 23, 2012 | 21 Replies


I’ve been using this since day 1 of release on my Lumia 800 (the beta version) and it’s been rather good. Now why would I use this for a phone with no front facing camera? Well, to show someone something I’m looking at. Surprisingly it’s had a number of uses, from finding something neat at the shop to showing someone around the new house or new city. I’d love to use this on the 900. Also, Skype also has Skype Chat, to which you don’t need cameras at all.

Right now it is a stand alone feature, but we should expect this to be integrated eventually into our Lumias.

Video quality is good, though when on 3G, you have to have a very good connection. Not yet capable of running in the background, unlike say Tango, which can receive a call even without the app specifically running.

Via WPCentral

Cheers Meh for the tip


Category: Applications, Nokia, Windows Phone

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