

Lumiappaday #173: Warp demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800

| May 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

This game reminds me a little of System Rush Evolution, a pretty cool 3D racing game on the N93/N95. It’s an accelerometer based racing style game, though you’re not really racing anyone, just travelling along this very lumia inspired tube. There are items to try and get and obstacles avoid.

#173) Warp 

Price:  £0.99




Developer Blurb:

Control the spaceship by tilting your phone left or right. Avoid obstacles inside the tube, catch different types of bonuses, and advance from level to level.


The full version will unlock the following features:

– An infinite number of levels (the trial version is limited to the first 4 levels).

– New bonuses

– New types of obstacles

– Ability to publish your score to an online global leaderboard


New in version 1.1:

– The text notification for power-ups now leaves the screen quickly

– In the full version you can publish your score to the new online leaderboard


Design: 8

Usability: 9

Performance: 9 

Price: 8


Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, Nokia, Windows Phone

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