Commenting Help, Tips, Guides and Rules.
Commenting Help, Tips and Guides
I thought I’d run through some tips and guides about our comments section here. I’ve stickied this post under “About MyNokiaBlog”
Some things I wanted to cover:
HTML capabilities:
The comments are normally plain but if you know how to change HTML you can actually do a few things.
They’re not necessary but in case you ever wanted to. A bit like the Reddit system. The main point is to just the message, but for those in the know they can spice things up.
1) Bold BOLD
This appears as
<strong> BOLD</strong>
Just place the word or part of your comment that you want to appear in bold.
2) Italics Italics
This appears as
3) Quotes. If you wanted to quote someone
Jay said above:
They’re not necessary but in case you ever wanted to
The tags are
<blockquote>They’re not necessary but in case you ever wanted to</blockquote>
4) Picture
Update: Try this instead
 <img src=”imageURL” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”169″ />
You can also insert a picture. But try to keep the dimensions small or we’ll remove them.
 This appears as:
<a href=””><img title=”feed me oil” src=”” alt=”” width=”304″ height=”177″ />
Just replace the link with the URL of your image. The IMG title is what will appear if your mouse hovers. SRC again is just the link to the image and then you can leave the width and height as that.
5) Headings.
Both headings and colours might make this place a little too busy so I didn’t add it in the original post
<h1>Heading 1</h1>
<h2>Heading 2</h2>
<h3>Heading 3</h3>
<h4>Heading 4</h4>
6) Colours
<span style=”color: #000080;”>Blue</span>
<span style=”color: #ffff00;”>Yellow</span>
<span style=”color: #ff0000;”>Red</span>
Follow up comments/posts
Under your comment box you can see ‘notify me of follow up comments by email’ and ‘notify me of new posts by email’.
If you want to be emailed every time there is a new reply to the thread, click that post. You will get an email where you have to confirm whether you want this. You can edit your subscription there too.
Notify for new posts is useful as every time we post something new, it will appear in full at your email inbox.
General Commenting Rules:
- Post your comment in the right section to keep the discussions on topic.
- Please be respectful of other readers. Don’t use personal attacks and insults.
- It is possible to disagree with someone’s opinions and still be polite about it.
- Yes debates can get heated and some people may annoy you but try to keep a level head
- Please keep the discussions in English
- No ‘trolling’.
- Labelling someone a troll is difficult in itself. Someone that disagrees with your opinion is not automatically a troll
- I define a troll as someone who purposefully posts something antagonistic to try to get a response. Their opinions may not be backed up or they will post this repeatedly in multiple sections.
- No spamming
- This does not usually apply to the readers, more a policy on the automated spam.
- Generally askimet removes spam automatically. It has its own protocol set by askimet on what is spam. Sometimes unfortunately it catches out readers legitimate contents. Let me know and I’ll try and bring it back.
- Spamming may also constitute spamming your message. I don’t care what it is, just post it once.
- Your username is not a place for you to write a message. You may try to be clever and comment normally whilst your spammed username appears everywhere. Please, have  some respect.
- Try to keep one username on the board
- No to warez/illegal software/over 18 stuffs
- It’s very rare here (probably once a year if that) but I would like that developers be respected and their work not be spread around for free unless that is their wish.
- Try to keep the language safe for all. Try to avoid cussing/swearing
- Note, I say try. I know for some, it’s just second nature and they might not mean anything by it.
- If you can, try to keep your comments without words you wouldn’t say to a 3 year old, your mother or your boss etc
- Note: Posts with more than 4 links are automatically either sent to spam or sometimes held for moderation.
- You may need to split up posts with multiple links in order to bypass this.
- I may revise these at some points in the future.
Comments Not Appearing:
If a comment is posted and it doesn’t automatically appear, something has gone wrong with the spam filter. Apologies. Please let me know at and I will find that in the spambox. More often than not, it has encountered a site it has previously put into spam or an IP address was once of a spammer. You may circumvent this through or try posting again without a link and mention that your previous comments were not going through.
Comment removal
I rarely if at all remove a comment. The only thing I’d remove (and even that is last resort) is reader spam (automated spam that askimet misses will get removed once I see them). I may comment to you to at least give a warning/guidance and may link back to this page to explain. There is no rigid policing of comments here because the majority of our readers are awesome and can self moderate each other.
Anyway, continue as before. You may want to give the comment syntax a go here. Don’t feel you need to use them but in future, if the need arises (e.g. you may want to quote in a discussion) you can do so.
I’ll copy a portion of this in the comments so you can see how it appears below:
Category: Nokia