

Video: Angry Birds on the Nokia Lumia 610

| May 29, 2012 | 0 Comments


Do you remember that Skype was reportedly working on the Nokia Lumia 610 fine? Installing was prohibited through official channels but once you get it on the device it actually works properly.

Regardless, Nokia/MS were ‘unhappy’ with the performance and will not yet bring it officially.

Angry Birds faces this odd problem too. It officially is unable to install on the Nokia Lumia 610 – but it can work pretty well. So, it’s not about not being able to run it – it’s just not at the super fluid standards of previous WP. There are small lags but I suppose but not really noticeable to most people.

TheVerge reports that an official 256mb version is coming.

Once games are recompiled for Tango they will be allowed to install. I believe we posted a while ago about building Tango apps – they were meant to be more efficient. By working smoothly on 256mb, they work even better on 512mb devices.

Hmm. Perhaps it would have just been easier to keep the standard gen1 WP hardware? You can’t really expect people to think cheaper phone means less apps are compatible. This is not the PC World. Keep the optimisation process of apps in Tango but don’t create that initial install hindrance.


Arts said:

more nokia/microsoft red tape shenanigans.

angry birds RUNNING on lumia 610.

since its in cantonese ill give a brief overview:

1. The first stage was smooth, due it being relatively uncluttered.
2. When the guy starts stage 20, there is a noticable lag at the beginning. However, he continued to say that panning and dragging were still relatively smooth.
3. When the guy starts stage 19, where there is noticeably longer loading times and more objects. Panning is still smooth unless it pans to the pigs where there is alot of objects. Dragging back the birds on the slingshot also show lagg.

He concludes by saying the gameplay mechanics are basically ok, is just that the lag that might occur at times might affect user experience.

To me the lag seems so miniscule a problem. Why not release the damn thing? =.= i guess aiming for consistency is good, but angry birds seems pretty playable to me.


Cheers arts for the tip!



Category: Nokia, Symbian

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